A forum for current and recent members of Sheridan BAA Animation 4th year mentor Group A.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Ten Trends in Children’s Books from 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Zen and The Project
“The Zen master taught him to focus on the pleasure and tiny nuances of breathing properly, attaching the string setting the arrow in the bow, drawing it back, and releasing it, rather than hitting the target. By focusing on these actions, Herrigel and fellow archery students were rewarded in two ways: they took more pleasure from doing each task, and since learned to master the nuances, they hit the target more consistently as well.”
Robert Sutton, notes on Zen and the Art of Archery: Eugen Herrigel
In our projects, if we can devote ourselves to incremental steps of the process-boards, lecia, layout, poses, colour script- rather than the broad target of getting the project done, we will increase our odds of completing the work successfully while enjoying the ride.
How You Draw Is How You Draw
“We were out sketching at a farmers market in L.A. and I was really frustrated because the teachers [at CalArts and probably other unnamed animation academies]were like, ‘That’s not really the way you should draw. You should draw like this.’
“And I got so frustrated, it was like a weird drug experience. I just said ‘I don’t care. I can’t draw that way. I’m just going to draw whatever way I can.’ And it was kind of mind-blowing. I’ll never forget it and, from that moment, it changed for me. I didn’t worry about being the greatest draftsman or the greatest artist, I just decided to draw the best way I could.”
Negatives became positives for him.
From the Toronto Star.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Web Colouring Tutorial
Monday, November 1, 2010
Entrepreneurs Toolkit From MaRS
SXSW Title Design Competition
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010

Here's a good reference for all you UPA types in the crowd. It also goes to my thesis of illustration/cartooning needing to move in the digital age. This type of drawing rose in the 5os as television was putting a clamp on the budgets of features and as a result lots of animators were looking for work. Recessionary times call for us all to be flexible in the application of our skills.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Sample Job Positing
Illustrator & Animator
Motion Comics Department
Caliber Media Co.
Los Angeles, California - United States
Project: Motion Comics Department
Job Duties(s): Animatics , 2D Art / Graphic Design, Matte Painting, Motion Graphics
Software Utilized: Photoshop, After Effects, MacOS
Genre(s): Animation (2D), Design (Concept & Production)
Bonus Eligibility: Yes
Relocation: No
Required Spoken Language(s): English
Required Work Auth.: United States
Start Date: Immediately
Caliber Media Co is in development on a motion comic that requires
color and animated sequences. The director wants something that has both a traditional color feel along with some digital elements as well. The drawings themselves are already completed, there's no new art being made, just manipulation of finished drawings. This is a great opportunity for students looking for industry experience or recent graduates who are looking for a strong portfolio piece while making some money on the side.
We are seeking a hybrid animator/colorist who is versed in both traditional and digital coloring and has 1-2yrs. AfterEffects experience.
Notes from the Lecia Lecture
About the lecias:
"Leave room for revision"
"The reel is the backbone"
"People can always add things."
"I had at least 20 copies of my lecia reel."
"See the progression of the film."
Kevin said he had his reel done in August.
Martin mused about the moral implications of a hen that can't lay egg which led to Chris discussing the importance of subtext to the film. Kevin suggested he keep the subtext purposely ambiguous so everybody could get something different from it.
"We through out PILES of boards"
"I would have done more of a pre-production package." Martin
"Always be ahead of the milestone." Randolph
"Get cracking'" Martin
"With no dialogue, it is important to concentrate on the timing and the visual structure."
"You see it evolve" again the progression.
"You'll feel good when you see your finished film."
"One head of a studio refuses to look at unfinished films"
"Have a schedule"
Do your film that "will satisfy the industry."
"the industry (I think he means the market for animation) kinda sucks these days."
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Blur Studios

I know at least two of you are making cinematics.Follow the link to an article on Blur. Analyze how they tell a story as they do cool shots. Like all good trailers, there has to be a story thread through out.
The link is here.
Monday, September 27, 2010
The Digital Economy in Canada
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Notes for Milestone 2
That said, they must be readable. An educated client -not your mom-should be able to see what's going on without your narration.
This is your first visual slash at your story. Use it to plan. Plan location reuse. plan money shots. Plan where you're going to spend the most of your attention. This is an important milestone. (Not that they all aren't.)
I can't give you my opinion if you've got nothing to show. It wastes your time and tuition.
Next week-Week 4- we're going to have individual meetings 20 minutes each.I'll be asking you to bring your portfolio so I can see where you're at. Sign up sheet will be at our meeting this Thursday.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Presentation/Pitching Practice
These seven rules are written for those who practice the martial art of Judo, yet you can use your imagination to see how these simple rules are invaluable guides that you can apply to your own life and work outside the dojo. You can certainly see the applications to [pitching]. For example, a sure way to lose credibility in front of most audiences is to make light of your competition (in the case of business) by saying disparaging things about them. True humility is a sign of strength, over confidence or arrogance is a sign of weakness. Take some time to think about these seven rules as they relate to your own life and work.
- Do not make light of an opponent.
- Do not lose self-confidence.
- Maintain a good posture.
- Develop speed.
- Project power in all directions.
- Develop self-control.
- Never stop training.
Whether we are talking about business, or presentation, or of life in general, there are no panaceas to the challenges we face. There is no substitute for study and steady practice and a commitment to continuous improvement. For this point, too, Judo has a lesson for all of us. "Do not place hope in finding a secret technique," said Kyuzo Mifune. "Polish the mind through ceaseless training; that is the key to effective techniques."
Friday, September 10, 2010
Meeting Times and Office Hours
Our new room is G302. Thursdays 1 to 3.
My office hours are: on Thursdays, I'm in at 9 to 10, 11 to 12, 3-4.
Please arrange a time to meet to talk
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Kung Fu Panda Character Development
Milestone 1
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Jobs in the Air
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Globe & Mail, Section L, August 31, 2010.